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Ep. 007 – Pros and Cons of Owning a Pet


Pros and cons of owning a pet. How you can manage your busy schedule to care for your lovely pet. What type of pet might be good for you based on your busy schedule as a teenager.


In this episode we talk about our pets, and how we manage our time to care for our pets. We talk about our dogs, and their attitudes!. This episode can help you on deciding what type of pet might be good for you based on your busy schedule as a teenager. Having a pet is a big responsibility and might not be for every teenager, but at the same time might be a great addition to you and your family. You have to take in consideration all time and love that having a pet requires, and in rewards you will get all the love and loyalty that your pet will give you back. awe also talk about where you can find a great pet for you and your family.


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