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Ep. 008 – What About This Summer 2021


Plans for this summer 2021. Now that things are getting better with the pandemic we can have vacations and social activities plans for this summer 2021. Let’s talk about it.


We can say that things are getting better here in the United States, but sadly in other countries the situation is not the same. The summer of 2020 was weird, and bad season, we couldn’t go anywhere because the pandemic was, the world was in chaos, everyone had to stay home, and you couldn’t even see and be with your family and friends. Was very scary for all of us. Now can say that the situation is better, and we can plan and do things for this summer. So what are the things that we are planing to do for this summer, after school is over. We are going to talk about things that we want to do, plans and trips that we had canceled, and other social activities that we enjoy doing that we might do for this summer 2021.


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